The Build Blog - Resources to Build Your Dream Home

Home Building Permits & Inspections
Who's files new construction building permits, what info is required & what do they cost? Our guide has everything to know about building permits & inspections.
Home Building Permits & Inspections
Who's files new construction building permits, what info is required & what do they cost? Our guide has everything to know about building permits & inspections.
Building the Owner-Contractor Relationship
Working with a contractor on your new home is challenging. Find out how to get most out of this partnership and ensure your home is built on budget & schedule.
Building the Owner-Contractor Relationship
Working with a contractor on your new home is challenging. Find out how to get most out of this partnership and ensure your home is built on budget & schedule.

Everything to Know About Indoor Air Quality
New construction homes can surprisingly have worse indoor air quality than older homes because of building envelope tightness and modern high VOC materials. Our resident construction expert walks you through...
Everything to Know About Indoor Air Quality
New construction homes can surprisingly have worse indoor air quality than older homes because of building envelope tightness and modern high VOC materials. Our resident construction expert walks you through...
Need to Know - Buying a Lot with a Tear Down
Learn about building a home on a lot with an existing house and how to approach demolition, zoning, deconstruction, tear-downs, foundation and utility re-use.
Need to Know - Buying a Lot with a Tear Down
Learn about building a home on a lot with an existing house and how to approach demolition, zoning, deconstruction, tear-downs, foundation and utility re-use.

Which Month to Start Building a House?
Believe it or not, the choice of when to break ground on your new home can cost or save you tens of thousands of dollars. In this guide, our home...
Which Month to Start Building a House?
Believe it or not, the choice of when to break ground on your new home can cost or save you tens of thousands of dollars. In this guide, our home...
Final Walkthrough: Tips, Tricks & Checklists
Wrapping up your custom home build is exciting, but the final walkthrough can be stressful. Do you hire an inspector or DIY? Our homebuilding expert walks you through the checklist...
Final Walkthrough: Tips, Tricks & Checklists
Wrapping up your custom home build is exciting, but the final walkthrough can be stressful. Do you hire an inspector or DIY? Our homebuilding expert walks you through the checklist...